Academic Coaching - SETSS/SEIT

…To support difficulties with reading, math, organization and attention.
Over the years we have realized that many of our clients and other children in the community need after-school learning support that is in addition to or instead of formal Occupational Therapy. Therefore, we have developed a small team of academic coaches that work with students of all ages. Our coaches are not just ‘tutors’, they are trained to support and/or supplement our therapy efforts with a focus on applying sensory strategies during learning, as well as executive function skills. Our coaches may be Master-level Special Education Teachers or highly educated graduate students. Our coaches and occupational therapists collaborate with the student to develop a team approach to learning.
We train our academic coaches to understand children with learning differences. Our coaches know that every child learns differently and every environment affects learning differently. We educate our coaches about sensory processing, executive functioning skills and behavior. Our coaches work with students one-on-one at our learning center or at the students’ home. Our coaches also support in-home Cellfield and Tomatis® interventions, as needed.
Our academic coaches
can assist ALL AGES with:
Orton Gillingham
Writing/Language Arts
Handwriting Without Tears
Study Skills
Foreign Languages
(as applicable)
Life skills
Early pre-academic skills
Our academic coaches communicate with our therapy team after every session regarding the student’s performance and needs. Our Clinical Director follows all our academic coach/student pairs closely, including regular home visits and planning meetings. We encourage our students to assist us in developing their own learning goals and means of motivating themselves.
Additionally, our coaches observe O.T. sessions so they can better understand the student’s neurodevelopmental status and learning needs. They support the students in incorporating the recommended learning tools and strategies that have been acquired through therapy.
Our academic coaches are high achieving college or post-grad students with proven skills and experience, as well as ambition to pursue careers related to occupational therapy and education.
Formal SETSS/SEIT services are available via 'Enhanced Rate' and Case Hearing Compensatory SETSS contracts or as private pay SEIT or tutoring hours.
*On top of being offered remotely, we offer support during the summer and homeschooling to prevent/address regressions that occur during this time (individualized programs with OT support)